
Jellied Orange and Beetroot

A good salad to have at xmas to serve with cold poultry and meat.


  • 1 ½ Orange Jellies
  • 11oz can of Mandarin Oranges
  • 2 floz Cider Vinegar
  • ¾ pt cold Water
  • ¾ lb diced cooked Beetroot


  1. Put jelly in pan with 1/2 pint of water and stir over low heat to dissolve.
  2. Remove from heat and add juice from manderins and other 1/4 pt cold water. Add cider vinegar. Leave to on the point of setting.
  3. Fold in diced beetroot and oranges and turn into a mould or suitable dishes to set.
  4. If serving in mould, turn out on to a plate and surround with chopped lettuce.

Can be kept for about a fortnight in the fridge in covered dishes.